Their call of God and ministerial focus is the power of prayer. Prayer has been their priority as they host a nationwide prayer line daily and conduct a national relationship conference line whereby they teach principles of relationship building and coach couples to thrive beyond the wedding ceremony.
They host and conduct relationship and marital conferences throughout the United States, touching couples lives and equipping them with the tools necessary to perform as mature influencers within the family structure. It is fitting that they produce a weekly podcast session that amplifies relational and marital principles to encourage couples daily.
They have been called and commissioned by God to release the standards of God within relationships and marriages, whether single or married. They are considered experts in their field of concentration as they have been married for over 38 years. They believe they can make a difference in the lives of others as well as influence society at large, especially in the arena of relationships. Their hearts for the prophetic, the creative arts, and acts of service propel them as champions of the faith.
They believe the world needs an encounter with God and that couples must experience supernatural occurrences within their relationship connection. With this vision, Davis assists others in accepting and visualizing God more powerfully. Bringing about salvation, healing, deliverance, breakthrough, and freedom they desire.
They both long to see couples turn their hearts entirely to God. It's time for relationships and marriages to operate within the scope of their ascension gifts and believe in God that each couple can function at another level.
Through our relationship and marital conferences, along with our podcasts, we have assembled other marital, divorced, and single strategists to assist us in meeting the needs of the multitudes of couples seeking advice and dependable strategies.

D. A. Davis is a licensed, ordained, formally educated pastor, author, prophetic dream interpreter, speaker, writer, and multi-dimensional coach taking the nation by storm.
Utilizing his diverse background, he incorporates various disciplines into making people successful in their personal and corporate lives. Davis turns losers into winners and downtrodden into upward bound by equipping them with the tools of empowerment and trusting in themselves to resolve their difficulties. Davis then releases them to start making sense of their daily chaos.
Bishop D.A. Davis is an author, speaker, equipper, innovative thinker, and relationship strategist born and raised in Birmingham, AL, educated at Alabama A & M University, then entered the United States Army as a 2nd Lieutenant. Bishop Davis obtained his Master of Divinity degree from Criswell College, Dallas, TX, and was crowned Bishop in 2008.
Lorita is a teacher, preacher, public speaker, mentor, and relationship strategist who works alongside her husband. She is a social-emotional learner within Cedar Hill ISD and was born and raised in Dallas, TX. She graduated from Madison High School and received her bachelors degree in business from Northwood University, Dallas, TX.The Davis’s are also senior Pastors of Spirit Fellowship Church, Desoto, TX.
They reside in Dallas, TX, with their three children and grandchildren. They work in tandem and unity by focusing on God & 39;s deposit in people and impart wisdom and revelation into defeated relationships and marriages.
They break open new territories by attacking the spiritual forces that blind couples and prevent them from building a successful relationship and or marriage. They Encourage couples to live transformed lives and give them the confidence that all things are possible with God.D.A. Davis is the author of two books, Barren Vines and Empty Baskets; Love Must Confront. Davis is honored to be married to First Lady Lorita Davis, they have three children and three grandchildren.
Davis is a multi-faceted, multi-talented professional who is adept and skilled in many areas of ministry, business, literature, communication and education. He is the founder and senior pastor of Spirit Fellowship Church, one of the faster growing churches in Desoto, Texas,, and one of the most uniquely established ministries in the Dallas/Ft. Worth, metroplex.

Known for his uncompromising integrity, he is a trailblazer and trendsetter who focuses on being relevant and innovative as he launches his ground-breaking technological less-lethal bullet with a recently issued design patent with the United States Patent and Trademark Office
(USPTO). Davis is committed to the continual improvement and creation of opportunities for others to improve under his leadership. Through his bold, frank delivery of the Word of God, he crusades to free church leaders, husbands and wives, divorcees, widows and widowers from the chains of traditional conditioning. He shares candidly about the challenges facing the local church, relationships, marriages, business problems; while providing uplifting, spiritual, solution-driven responses to matters of social inequality and political injustice with cultural sensitivity.
I have the opportunity to read this book before it was published and the principles I discovered were awesome. I began immediately putting them into practice in my own personal relationship. What an improvement in my own thinking.
Lynitra Jackson
Botswana, Africa
As a single woman and mother, I clearly know the challenges women faced today when it comes to dating. But I have obtained some new strategies in how I interpret and evaluate my own emotions. Understanding myself in reading this book enhanced me to think and function differently when it comes to relationships.
I purchase a copy of this book because the Author is known for his strategies and techniques in making relationships and marriages work. After reading his first book, I could not wait to get my hands on this one and it does not disappoint.
Ron Robertson
Dallas, TX
Regina Moses
Birmingham, AL
For any media inquiries, please contact agent Mark Oakley:
Tel: 214-980-5433| Fax: 972-692-7711 | dadavis@mydadavis.com
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